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Date this pretty Dominican Republic girl Lisanna from Santiago DO43934
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New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic New LatinEuro member from Dominican Republic
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First Name:   Lisanna
Code Number:   DO43934
Age:   24
I am a:   Woman
Seeking a:   Man
Friendship Dating
sincere relationship
My City:   Santiago
My State:   5
My Country:   Dominican Republic
Race:   Hispanic
Marital Status:   Single
Sign:   Ask me about it
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Education:   Ask me about it
Income:   Ask me about it
Languages Spoken:
English Spanish Portuguese 
Arabic Chinese French 
German Greek Hebrew 
Italian Japanese Korean 
Russian Other 
Hair Color:   Brown
Eye Color:   Brown
Height:   5 ft 4 in
Body Type:   Average
Arms Shoulders
Chest Abs
Thighs Calves
My Description:

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